The Selkie Weaving and the Wild Feminine - ONCA Brighton

In March 2018 I exhibited and worked as artist in residence as part of the exhibition The Selkie, Weaving and the Wild Feminine. This exhibition made of of a collection of female textile artists looked to explore the myth of the selkie in all of its forms. 

I exhibited a tapestry entitled 'Root to Rise, I shed a Skin' that was created in honour of the selkie myth. I used plant dyed hand spun yarns in various textures. I used a visual meditatio starting from the bottom of my spine working up to my crown to develop the imagery for the tapestry intuitively as it grew. 

The Warp weighted loom named 'Gwia' (Cornish for weaving) was in the space, allowing a reflection back to a process of weaving that has been done for thousands of years. Over the course of the exhibition I wove on the loom with this thought in mind, allowing another selkie skin to grow in the space.


Weaving Witches and Women of Penryn - Film collaboration


Root to Rise exhibition & residency at The Fish Factory in Penryn